

Len Noy
Product Specialist
[email protected]

Lino D’Andreti
Field Application Engineer
[email protected]

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USB Amplifiers allow you to extend your USB signal beyond the standard protocol lengths. The USB standard is limited to 5m for USB2.0, and 3m for USB3.2 Gen1 speeds before the signal integrity is affected. Available in both speed options, these amplifiers are designed to mate with our USBFTV and USB3FTV series connectors (MIL-STL-38999 Series III) with an anti-decoupling device in a size 15 shell. They are shock, vibration, and traction resistant, and IP68 when mated. These amplifiers come in a variety of RoHS compliant platings and require no external power supply.

Features & Benefits:

  • Based on MIL-DTL-38999 series III

  • Dedicated to applications where the USB cable length is longer than 4.8 meters which is the limit of USB specification

  • Extension cord of 4.8 m (15,7 ft), 4 time stackable in order to reach 19.2 m (63ft)

  • Self-powered